
Alyan Gıda brings a modern twist to traditional tea time...

AnnaMaria Russell's Gift, Tea Time...

Afternoon tea is known as along-standing English tradition worldwide. In the 1840s, the 7th Duchess of Bedford, Anna Maria Russell, initiated the afternoon tea to alleviate thehunger between breakfast and dinner, and this tradition gradually spread from the aristocratic class to a broader section of society in England.

With the initiation of the afternoontea tradition, dinner hours were pushed to a later time. The new tradition gained great popularity among the upper classes and quickly spread throughout the entire society, giving rise to the "Afternoon Tea" hour. Today,especially in England, the afternoon tea tradition stands out on specialoccasions and celebrations.

During the globally accepted teatime, various tea varieties and snacks are served. This time frame not only provides a habit of eating but also serves as a social interaction and adelightful break for people.

AlyanGıda's Volume Cake Series Sweetens Your Tea Time!

Accompanying the light snacks servedduring tea time are delicious alternatives such as dry pastries, sandwiches,and cakes. For those who don't have the opportunity to bake but still desiremore than just a cup of tea, Alyan Gıda’s extensive range of cakes provides asweet solution. As Alyan Gıda, offering a quick and practical snackingexperience, we diversify your tea time with our "Volume Cake" series.

InnovativeFlavors Adding a Twist to Tea Time...

With our innovative cake varieties, we provide a different perspective on bakery products and enhance your tea timewith uniquely delicious treats.

  • Gold
  • Heyyo Cake
  • Hoop
  • Joymax
  • Mini
  • Pound
  • Prendimi
  • Sponge Cake
  • Sweetify
  • Waffle

With our Cake series, we offer a wideand tasty range of cake products, catering to different tastes and preferences in each series. We ensure that consumers experience a delightful tea time by diversifying our high-quality products.
