
Alyan Gıda is bringing the fun world of Heyyo to children!

Alyan Gıda is bringing the fun world of Heyyo to children!

By adding a touch to Alyan Gıda's flavorful universe, we have expanded our brand by producing chocolate and cake products for children with Heyyo's entertaining and unique concept.

As a brand that offers chocolate and cake products suitable for children and targets young consumers with a fun, innovative, and unique approach, Heyyo combines entertainment and taste to create the sweetest moments.

But Why Aliens?

Children have a unique curiosity about the unexplored, enchanting, and the unknown. Stars, galaxies, planets, aliens, and science fiction allure people of all ages. Especially, children are influenced by science fiction movies, space-themed cartoons, and space documentaries created for them. Because curiosity about space triggers imagination and allows children to create their own stories.

As Alyan Gıda, we aimed to touch the imagination of children, contribute to them creating their own stories, and help develop their imagination. In this touch, we took the first step for "Heyyo" by combining the most beloved treats of children, chocolates, and cakes, with our highest quality ingredients.

A Flavor Adventure Filled with Imagination for Children...

Each of our alien friends living on the Heyyo planet has a unique appearance, role, and story. Reflecting the colorful and fun atmosphere of the Heyyo Planet, our characters also give a brand identity to our products. While each alien friend adds a unique flavor and experience to our chocolates, they also open the doors to a world full of imagination for children.

Heyyo not only appeals to children with its colorful and eye-catching packaging designs but also stands out with its "child-friendly" vision. We not only make eating enjoyable for children but also cultivate a love for learning while having fun. We offer an experience that nourishes not only their taste buds but also their curiosity.
