
Safe Food

Safe Food issue is a subject that everyone has been curiously researching and trying to obtaininformation in recent years. It is what all people desire to have food products that are not harmful to thehuman body, do not cause allergic reactions, have high nutritional value and are easily accessible foreveryone. For this reason, food safety has become a discipline. One of the research topics of thisdiscipline is the purification of food from harmful things to humans, prevention of food spoilage andstorage methods. Certain food and beverage companies, which prioritize this goal, have developedthemselves in safe food and have opted for certification.


•Arrangement of production facilities in suitable conditions

• Providing appropriate training for the staff who working in the food sector

• Providing appropriate equipment for the staff working in the food industry

• Keeping under regular control; quality, service inspection and measurements

• Delivery of food under suitable distribution conditions

• Storage of food in suitable conditions

• Improvements for facilities and employees to reach world standards in line with food safety

• The existing quality and continuity of the system should be taken as basis


The World Health Organization is an institution that supervises the work on safe food and alsodetermines what needs to be done. Many companies and organizations make their prevention andchanges to comply with these standards. In this way, awareness and consciousness of safe food iscreated. We choose to store and use our food in the light of the information we generally know andlearn from our family. But we may also face the danger of paying the results of the mistakes with ourhealth that have been made for years on some issues. For this reason, it is best to ensure food safetywith the information obtained from authorized institutions.SAFE FOOD RULES• It is important to choose processed foods in factories.

• Do not consume foods before they are fully cooked. It is especially important for meat products to becooked without being raw.

• Carefully consume the food immediately after cooking.

• Attention should be paid to food storage temperature conditions.

• It is necessary to avoid contact especially cooked foods with raw foods. Contact causes the growth ofmicrobes and this leads to the development of foodborne diseases.

• You must make sure that the water you use is clean.

• You should pay attention to your hand hygiene while handling food.

• The food area should be cleaned every time and the tools used should be cleaned by boiling.


Since the cocoa raw material used for chocolate production which comes from abroad to our country, making storage and transportation under suitable conditions, gain importance. After it is produced in chocolate form, the distribution conditions must be maintained at a certain temperature in order to avoid the risk of melting or freezing. The most important topic for safe food is that; all kinds of chocolate that are produced in accordance with certain standards by an expert team. For this purpose, our company continues its operations by making the necessary measures and improvements to create suitable conditions in all production departments as storage areas and shipping vehicles. If there is deterioration in the storage, storage and shipment stages of bakery products, very risky results may occur. All necessary processes are carried out by testing their compliance with the standards in order not to encounter a result that may threaten health. The understanding of quality and service is developed with the demands of the customer and applied without compromise. With this awareness, our product sare delivered to the whole world by complying with all the necessary precautions regarding safe food.We continue to work for you to consume our tastes that you can offer to your loved ones with peace of mind. The process of producing, storing, and shipping safe food is considered as increasing costs. The calculation is made accordingly, while providing a balance of price and cost. However, while calculating costs with our policy that prioritizes human health, we consider healthy production as a prerequisite.Even if there is a person who has lost her health or is disturbed by the food produced, it is adopted as the main goal to make production at all costs and to provide safe food in order to correct and prevent this
